What We Do
Evacuation was always just the beginning. Many of these young women were educated in an environment where teachers encouraged them to believe there should be no restriction to their academic ambitions - that they could and should reach for the same heights as their male classmates or indeed as any student anywhere.
30 Birds as a foundation wanted to restore that sense of possibility. Recognizing the girl’s leadership capacity, their determination to work for the empowerment of those left behind as well as give back to the communities that welcomed them, the foundation’s mission now focuses on four things:
Helping girls reach their full potential.

For Afghan girls who are rebuilding their lives in Canada our Wingspan Leadership Program offers comprehensive, long-term support in the form of elite mentorship, micro-grants, advanced English and leadership training, as well as counseling and psychological services, job placement and help with university applications. Throughout the year Wingspan provides comprehensive supplemental online programming as well as bringing in expert facilitators including former government officials, entrepreneurs and renowned human rights advocates to lead a variety of seminars within their field.
WINGSPAN is designed to grow each year as 30 bird participants nominate other Afghan diaspora girls to join.
Alternative education for Afghan refugees.

Our Parinday programme supports quality education to Afghan girls and their families who fled the country in 2021 and have re-settled elsewhere in the region. Parinday teaches maths, science, english, islamic studies as well as football and karate and adult literacy classes for mothers and grandmothers. Attendance allows girls to participate in the popular online “empowerment”: classes taught by the founder of our original school community in Kabul, equipping them to promote peace building, civics, and human rights.
Strong support from the diaspora community is our backbone and ensures sustainability at the local level. Apart from continued learning, benefits of Parinday include increased social and emotional well being, employment opportunities and preparation for an eventual return to schools in Afghanistan should they reopen in the future. Gifted scholars who attend are also eligible for our Parvaz university scholarship programme.
Creating pathways to higher education.

The 30 Birds Foundation has awarded scholarships covering tuition and cost of living to more than 40 of our academically gifted students in Canada and the United States. By investing in their education, we aim to foster a new generation of leaders who will contribute both to their new societies and future efforts to rebuild Afghanistan. This program addresses the critical need for access to higher education among displaced Afghan girls, ensuring they have the resources and support to thrive.
Women in Afghanistan are currently barred from higher education. Each year the 30 Birds Foundation will select top female students from across the country, enabling scholarship opportunities for them outside Afghanistan and allowing them to pursue their academic ambitions in a safe environment.
Helping girls left behind.

The situation for women and girls inside Afghanistan remains stark. The 30 Birds supports a range of initiatives designed to give them the best possible advantages under the circumstances.
Our Team